June 2024

Dear Chapel Family and Friends,
Phew! May was a busy month for me, ending a busy winter and spring. I traveled more since Christmas than any other season in my life. I had 3 trips for the World Race (Thailand, Guatemala and Georgia), the ECO National Gathering in Greenville, the ECO Presbytery leader meeting in Dallas, soccer trips to Ketchikan and Anchorage, a one-way flight to Tallahassee and a cross-country drive back to Oregon with our son Noah, and a final trip to Anchorage for the boys’ soccer state tournament. (We came in second). I was not really aware of how much I traveled until yesterday when Alaska Airlines emailed me with notice that I’ve achieved MVP Gold status. Yippee! May also included 2 funerals and 2 weddings, a year-end cookout for our high school ministry, and a few presbytery-team meetings. These were all in addition to my “normal” life. Phew!
A highlight of this month was the College of Elders and College of Deacons meeting. We had 48 ordained leaders attend. One of the fruit of our meeting was shaping leadership teams to move forward with important ministry opportunities. In short, I think we will be able to provide weekly nursery during worship, expand our Children’s Worship, launch a stewardship ministry, and strengthen our growing Hostel Hospitality ministry.
Let me give you a picture of Hostel Hospitality. This week we hosted 9 people from CRU who were in Juneau to wrap up their ministry base. This included a family with children. We provided a safe space, comfortable cots, linens, showers and a great kitchen. This weekend a mission team from New California Presbyterian Church in Ohio will stay with stay with us for a few days on their way to Kake, where they will serve our sister church in Kake. Then they’ll stay with us a few days on the back end as they stagger their return trip home with some fun tourist activities. If they had to stay in hotels for those 5-6 days, it would make the trip financially out-of-reach. This scenario will play out several times this summer. Scout troops and mission teams from all over the country stay at Chapel as part of their journey. By providing affordable and excellent accommodations, we support mission outreach in Southeast and provide hospitality for many others.
During the school year, we also host many school groups. These include sports teams, music groups, scouting groups, and more. Chapel provides much needed housing for children and students from all over Alaska.
Our Hostel Hospitality team is on the forefront of making sure Chapel is a clean and welcoming environment. I’ve met some terrific people, and heard countless words of praise for the ministry we provide. Offering excellent hospitality is a foundational Christian virtue. Please reach out to Kourtney to ask how you might join this growing ministry team.
Let me close with a few promotional heads up:
- Sundaes on Monday. Ice cream and a discussion on the book Anatomy of a Revived Church. It starts on Monday, June 3 at 7PM. The easiest way to sing up is to follow this link to the church website: https://chapelbythelake.
churchcenter.com/ registrations/events/2325145 - All-Church Picnic and Worship. On June 30 at 11AM we will meet at Sandy Beach for a beach-side worship service and cook out. We will not be hosting a worship service at Chapel that week, so mark your calendar.
I hope you find new and deeper joy and purpose in worshipping and serving the Lord this summer!
In Christ’s Joyful Service,