Prayer Wall

“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” 
-Ephesians 6:17-18

Need Prayer?

Chapel by the Lake is a praying community; we have a team of praying warriors ready to take your requests before our Heavenly Father.



Sara Chambers

Pray for the Mrkvicka family, who used to live in Juneau: Felicity, age 2, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma in July 2024…inoperable tumor of the face. Initial prognosis poor. She has gone through27 radiation treatments to her face.

From mama Meghan: Felicity is back in the hospital with sores in her mouth feom the treatments. Please share with churches for prayer. Thank you for all of the meals the last couple of months, the gifts, the messages, the prayers.Thank you for continuing to follow our journey as we Fight for Felicity!

Received: February 26, 2025

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