
Follow Jesus | Making Disciples | Love Our Neighbor

What is the Peacemakers Ministry at

Chapel by the Lake?

We are a ministry team that has studied the Biblical call for peace and is committed to walking along side those who are interested in pursuing peaceful resolutions to conflict.
Our goal is to walk alongside those wishing to resolve conflict (in the home, workplace, or church) with training and conflict coaching that draws on Biblical models of conflict resolution.

The ultimate goal is that we may, in unity, fully minister together as a church family forgiven and reconciled.






What can you expect from a Conflict Coach?

  • We DO listen to your story
  • We DO walk beside you as a coach to identify Biblical tools that may lead to conflict resolution
  • We DO help you find your blind spots and responsibility
  • We DO begin and close our sessions with prayer and scripture
  • We DO consult with one another confidentially when needed


  • We DO NOT take sides and decide right and wrong
  • We DO NOT investigate the issue
  • We DO NOT make cold calls to other parties
  • We DO NOT share your story with people outside the ministry team without your awareness and permission ahead of time




What do we as Peacemakers believe?

We are a ministry team that has studied the Biblical call for peace and are committed to walking along side those who are interested in pursuing peaceful resolutions to conflict.
Our goal is to walk alongside those wishing to resolve conflict (in the home, workplace, or church) with training and conflict coaching that draws on Biblical models of conflict resolution.

The ultimate goal is that we may, in unity, fully minister together as a church family forgiven and reconciled.

How do I connect with the Peacemaking Team? Send an email requesting to be contacted by a conflict coach to