July 2024
Dear Chapel Family and Friends,
First, I would like to say thank you for your prayers and words of support and encouragement on the passing of my father’s wife Darlene. They married two years after Karen and I were married, and she battled cancer for 17 years. I was able to be with her, my dad, their son and daughter, my brother, and several of Darlene’s extended family as she passed. My family is… complicated.
A sweet addition to my time was staying with Fitz and Kathy, my Young Life leaders. They are the pastors of First Presbyterian of Tampa, they preached at our wedding, and Fitz was chairperson of the committee at ordained Karen and me. Fitz and Kathy were the first people I told we were engaged. We go way back.
This past Monday we finished our “Sundaes on Monday” study group centered on Thom Rainer’s book Anatomy of a Revived Church. We had 22 people participate. To summarize, churches in which God brings about revitalization have these in common:
- The church accepted responsibility and does not blame others or circumstances. “Church leaders and members who refuse to accept their God-given responsibility to reach and minister both inside and outside the walls of the church buildings are on a clear path to decline and likely death. But church leaders and members who embrace the reality of the Great Commission and the Great Commandment for their lives will be part of churches that don’t just survive and live but also thrive and grow.
- The church overcame the traps of traditions. Sometimes there are ways of doing things that become so entrenched they drive (or derail) the mission of the church, and many times these traditions are fueled by personal preferences. In describing one church, Rainer observed “the church stopped worshipping the unholy trinity of me, myself and I.”
- The church expanded the scorecard. Instead of measuring things like worship attendance and budget, revived churches measured (and therefore focused on) ministries that promote Spiritual growth, maturity and making new disciples.
- The church committed to powerful prayer. Rainer began the chapter with this sentence: “I have yet to see a sustained church revitalization that was not undergirded by a powerful movement of prayer.” We have a group meeting for prayer at 12:30 Friday afternoons in the Log Chapel!
- The church dealt with toxins. Renewal cannot take place until the negative member(s) departed. A secondary aspect of this is the fear so often connected with trying to address toxic behaviors or people. Rainer observes that toxic people are rare, but they need to be dealt with.
- The church gave up looking for the silver bullet. They do not think “if only we…, then the church would turn around or get back to the good ‘ol days.” The silver bullet appears to be an easy and quick solution to complicated challenges that took years to develop. Instead of a silver bullet, revived churches have leaders and members who did not look for an easy path, but “they have chosen obedience, sacrifice and service to others.”
- The church chose meaningful membership. “Revived churches were congregations that had transformed from almost meaningless membership to highly meaningful membership.” In revived churches, the membership journey included robust processing of information, clearly communicated expectations, and clear paths of assimilation.
We are now trying to process and integrate what we discussed. I am thankful for the robust and thoughtful discussions and look forward to working together in the future.
I hope you find new and deeper joy and purpose in worshipping and serving the Lord this summer!
In Christ’s Joyful Service,
June 2024
Dear Chapel Family and Friends,
Phew! May was a busy month for me, ending a busy winter and spring. I traveled more since Christmas than any other season in my life. I had 3 trips for the World Race (Thailand, Guatemala and Georgia), the ECO National Gathering in Greenville, the ECO Presbytery leader meeting in Dallas, soccer trips to Ketchikan and Anchorage, a one-way flight to Tallahassee and a cross-country drive back to Oregon with our son Noah, and a final trip to Anchorage for the boys’ soccer state tournament. (We came in second). I was not really aware of how much I traveled until yesterday when Alaska Airlines emailed me with notice that I’ve achieved MVP Gold status. Yippee! May also included 2 funerals and 2 weddings, a year-end cookout for our high school ministry, and a few presbytery-team meetings. These were all in addition to my “normal” life. Phew!
A highlight of this month was the College of Elders and College of Deacons meeting. We had 48 ordained leaders attend. One of the fruit of our meeting was shaping leadership teams to move forward with important ministry opportunities. In short, I think we will be able to provide weekly nursery during worship, expand our Children’s Worship, launch a stewardship ministry, and strengthen our growing Hostel Hospitality ministry.
Let me give you a picture of Hostel Hospitality. This week we hosted 9 people from CRU who were in Juneau to wrap up their ministry base. This included a family with children. We provided a safe space, comfortable cots, linens, showers and a great kitchen. This weekend a mission team from New California Presbyterian Church in Ohio will stay with stay with us for a few days on their way to Kake, where they will serve our sister church in Kake. Then they’ll stay with us a few days on the back end as they stagger their return trip home with some fun tourist activities. If they had to stay in hotels for those 5-6 days, it would make the trip financially out-of-reach. This scenario will play out several times this summer. Scout troops and mission teams from all over the country stay at Chapel as part of their journey. By providing affordable and excellent accommodations, we support mission outreach in Southeast and provide hospitality for many others.
During the school year, we also host many school groups. These include sports teams, music groups, scouting groups, and more. Chapel provides much needed housing for children and students from all over Alaska.
Our Hostel Hospitality team is on the forefront of making sure Chapel is a clean and welcoming environment. I’ve met some terrific people, and heard countless words of praise for the ministry we provide. Offering excellent hospitality is a foundational Christian virtue. Please reach out to Kourtney to ask how you might join this growing ministry team.
Let me close with a few promotional heads up:
- Sundaes on Monday. Ice cream and a discussion on the book Anatomy of a Revived Church. It starts on Monday, June 3 at 7PM. The easiest way to sing up is to follow this link to the church website: https://chapelbythelake.
churchcenter.com/ registrations/events/2325145 - All-Church Picnic and Worship. On June 30 at 11AM we will meet at Sandy Beach for a beach-side worship service and cook out. We will not be hosting a worship service at Chapel that week, so mark your calendar.
I hope you find new and deeper joy and purpose in worshipping and serving the Lord this summer!
In Christ’s Joyful Service,
May 2024
Dear Chapel Family and Friends,
Happy Spring! Now that I’ve lived on Alaska for 3 winters, here are what I see as the signs of Spring in Southeast Alaska:
- Skunk cabbage: first you see it, then you smell it.
- The call of the Varied Thrush, which sounds like a soccer referee blowing his whistle; which coincides with the start our high schools’ soccer season.
- The ice clears on Auke and Mendenhall lakes.
- Th first bike tours show up in our Log Chapel parking lot, which means the cruise ships are back.
- It’s beginning to be daylight when I wake up, and daylight when I go to bed.
First, I’d like to share an exciting new way of being church we are experimenting with in our leadership culture. We’ve borrowed the terms College of Elders and College of Deacons. We are trying to identify and engage our community of men and women who have been ordained and have served as ordained officers at Chapel by the Lake. As Presbyterians, we affirm that ordination is for life. At Chapel, we have approximately 60 people who have been ordained and have served as an ordained officer!
One of the change-realities for Chapel has been the decrease in staff. This has created significant leadership vacuums for Chapel’s ministries. One way to cultivate leadership is to identify people who have already been affirmed as leaders in Chapel and invite them to lead us into our next seasons of ministry.
The College of Elders and College of Deacons had our first meeting last month, and we re now identifying which ministries we are ready to move forward. Thank you to those elders and deacons who have responded. I’ll share an update on this initiative next month.
Second, we are entering another great season of hospitality. We have many groups who use our facility every week, and the number will only grow as we move toward summer. We need help with preparing our church to host groups. Please reach out to Kourtney at admin@chapelbythelake.org and ask you might serve.
We are fortunate to have a few special events coming forward, including a guest preacher on Pentecost. Please visit our calendar on our website to keep up to date on the many opportunities to be the church. www.chapelbythelake.org.
In Christ’s Joyful Service,
April 2024
Dear Chapel Family and Friends, Happy Eastertide! I hope that the joy and peace that flows from the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is working in you. This is power that fulfills the promise of abundant life that Jesus promised! Thank you to the many people who served during our Holy Week services. They include:
All-in all, Holy week and Easter was a terrific week of worship and ministry! April brings several things I’d like to bring to your attention. First, Scout Sunday is April 14. We are so thankful for our great partnership with the scouts and look forward to their leadership, including a special guest testimony! Second, Sunday April 14th at 6PM is a very important meeting. I am calling ALL ELDERS AND DEACONS to join for a vision and mission discussion and dessert. We believe once you are ordained as and Elder or Deacon, you are always an Elder and Deacon. We will meet from 6PM to 7:15. To be honest and forthright, this may be one of the most important meetings in my time here at Chapel. This is an important step in moving Chapel into the future God intends for us. |
Finally, I would like to start two book discussions. The first is on Metanoia by Alan Hirsch and Rob Kelly. The second on Anatomy of a Revived Church by Thom Rainer. Both are excellent books. Metanoia is a more challenging read targeted towards those who are in church leadership. Anatomy of a Revived Church is a bit easier to read and is meant for church members. The Deacons already read Anatomy of a Revived Church! Plus, Anatomy has very helpful processing/small group questions at the end of each chapter. I ordered a bundle of each book and they will be here soon. However, if you prefer, you can purchase E-books of either or both. Simply enter the book name in a search engine (like google) and you will find links to download the E-book. Here is how you sign up for the book discussions:
I look forward to what God has in store for us! Finally, I leave you with this blessing: May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:19 In Christ’s Joyful Service, Tim |
March 2024
Dear Chapel by the Lake, As I’m writing this letter, Karen and I are making our way to Hawaii! In typical Juneau style, it started snowing a wet, heavy snow as we left for the early morning flight to Seattle. We are so excited to get away, and I am especially excited as this will be the 50th state I’ve visited. One of the fundamental values for Followers of Jesus is hospitality. I recently asked Kourtney to review how many people were blessed by Chapel’s hospitality since last summer. Here are some highlights: Overnight Guests
Some Fun Facts about overnight groups
Day Use
We are committed to providing SE Alaska schools a safe and comfortable place to stay, both when they visit Juneau and when they lay-over on longer trips. Students raise a lot of money to participate in school programs, and we know that by providing our church, it benefits our Juneau community and beyond. We typically charge $50 a night for the whole group to cover increases in water and heat. We have very nice cots and linens too! Of course, our most impactful hospitality is extended to Auke Lake Daycare and Preschool. They provide care for 60 children, and daycare is a critical need for our families in Juneau. Finally, just this week we agreed to help a local Christian preschool and Elementary school who lost thier space. I read the story about the vision that inspired the construction of the Log Chapel. The vision was to provide a space for the community, not just our church. I am happy that vision continues as genuine hospitality can be a powerful witness to the love and grace of Jesus. This is not our building, but the Lord’s, and we are stewarding it well to His glory! In my message on February 18, we considered Jesus’ words to His disciples concerning the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus (in typical fashion) was so clear in His message: the Kingdom prototype is a servant! The first will be last and the last will be first. Jesus also reminded His disciples (and us) that “even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many.” I said a simple metric on church health is measured by how many people regularly serve. One important way to serve is to help us with our hospitality. There are important ways we can take it to the next level, but that requires more people to help. Our current hospitality is being born by a few people. Will you help? We have a Facility Stewardship work day the first Saturday of the month. |